We know that your walk in faith is a journey, and we want to provide opportunities for continuous learning and growth for all ages. With this in mind, we offer a variety of Sunday school classes, Bible studies, and other activities to deepen our understanding of Biblical teachings and how to live out our faith on a daily basis.
Confirmation is an important milestone in the United Methodist church. We offer confirmation for sixth graders each year, a series of classes to learn about the United Methodist church and gain a deeper understanding of faith. At the end of confirmation, students are asked to confirm the vows taken for them at their baptism.
Sunday school is an important aspect of small group fellowship and provides a foundation for deeper discussions and understanding of our faith. We offer Sunday school for all ages. Children and youth classes meet in the Johnson Center, while adult Sunday school classes meet in the adult wing. All classes meet in between the worship services on Sunday, at 9:45 AM.
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